Sharing Two Weeks of Gratitude into 2016!

As we get into the last couple of weeks in 2015, we wanted to pause, reflect and thank our Glorious community for such an incredible past year! Join us as we share #2weeksofgratitude, stories & highlights , as we countdown to the new year.

Day 1: Kicking off with our Year in Review!

Day 2: Education. Thanks to our incredible community, this past year over 280 children and adults were educated through Glorious' programs & our school is currently ranked 17 out of 118 schools in the region.

Day 3: Community. Because of your outpouring of support, our community raised over $20,000 to purchase Glorious' new Dormitory that houses and provides love & care to 15 orphaned children!

Day 4: Mama Hope. This year we formed a joint venture partnership with Mama Hope and we are so grateful for the impact they have had on our organization & team! Just a few highlights include: Alice and Julius’ attendance of their Sustainability Conference in Nairobi & the development of a 3-year strategic plan, 2 East Coast bootcamps & 4 Global Advocates who have raised over $60K for our projects, and a new team of individuals both locally and around the world who inspire us to do and be the best we can be! 

Day 5: Guatemala Expansion. Because our vision is to partner with leaders like Alice to create sustainable communities, we have established our newest partnership in Panajachel, Guatemala.

Glorious' Katie Carey first met Ingrid Villaseñor, the founder of El Árbol del Niño & our newest partner in Guatemala, in 2012. At the time, they were working for a non-profit serving rural communities and building schools in Guatemala. Katie was incredibly moved by Ingrid's passion to serve her community and recognized how similar the visions of Alice and Ingrid were. Ingrid's organization is a holistic education center that focuses on leadership development for children in elementary school.

Katrina Christensen, the first Global Advocate to travel to Central America, is helping us to set up our efforts on the ground that will support Ingrid's programs.

Day 6: Global Advocates. Much love & gratitude to Brandie Heinel, Nicole Woods, Katrina Christenson and Katie Remy who have collectively raised over $60K for Glorious' projects like our second campus water project, a school bus, sustainable farming projects and beyond! Learn more about the Fellowship and how to get involved in 2016: 

Day 7: Our second campus. On January 11, 2016 we will be opening the doors to Glorious’ second campus! This past year we completed the administrative building (3 temporary classrooms), bathrooms/plumbing and a security house. We are so grateful for all of the opportunities that this new campus will bring to the community! Join us on this journey.

Day 8: Inspiring Women. To women like Alice and Ingrid and the many mothers’ in our microfinance program who are creating immense ripples of impact in their communities, they inspire us each and every day. ‪

Day 9: Holiday Celebrations. Merry Christmas & happy holidays to our Glorious family! Here’s to so many things to celebrate in 2015 including a beautiful holiday party and year end celebration at Glorious!

Day 10: Volunteers. Showering lots of love to our entire Glorious community during this holiday season. Special shot out to our dedicated volunteers -- individuals like Amber, Nina, Dru, Kali, Sarah, Marcella, Joanne and beyond who spent invaluable time on the ground at Glorious this year running permaculture trainings, yoga and photography workshops and much more.


Day 11: Teachers. Thank you to our incredible teachers who have dedicated their lives to education and building the future generation of Tanzania! 

Day 12: Google. Over the past month, Google has raised over $8,500 for Glorious to help with the expansion of our second campus. We are so grateful to Brandie Heinel & Malea Gadoury, 2 Googlers & close friends, who led this internal campaign and will travel to Glorious to see the impact firsthand!

Day 13. Our Why. This is our manifesto & WHY we do what we do -- inspired by all the incredible people who touch our organization.

Day 14: Boston College. Hannah Beavers and Katie Carey, Glorious co-founders and BC alumni, are so grateful to the outpouring of support this year. They are excited to share that they just recently received their largest grant to date from Boston College to expand the Global Advocate Fellowship and their programs in 2016!

Thank you for celebrating ‪#‎2weeksofgratitude‬ with us as we countdown to the new year! We are so grateful for 2015 and all that awaits in the year ahead. Happy New Year's Eve & many blessings in 2016!

Katie Carey